
❤️❤️ Become an Escort ❤️❤️


If you would like to become a part- or full-time independent escort and earn good money in the business I can show you how you can start your business. I work as an international full-time professional escort for over 15 years now and I can show you to become a successful escort. I offer coaching for men, women and transsexuals. 

My coaching includes the following:


~ Basic rules of the business 

~ The best ways to sell your services and what you should do and not do

~ Where to advertise to get high-quality clients

~ I can show you how to create your ad or website

~ How to get and maintain recurring clients

~ Tax declaration and legal assistance


Coaching is made with one single person, in person or via web cam.

Duration about 1,5 hours.


Ask for fees. Ways of payment: cash, PayPal, bank wire.


Please contact me for more information.